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The Dance of Kali & Lakshmi:: a Taurus Full Moon Eclipse Workshop

As we move through the wheel of the year, each season and astrological sign invites us to a unique perspective and way of understanding both ourselves and the reality we inhabit. Eclipse cycles are an important part of this movement with the Cosmos, sometimes bringing astonishing change that we feel to the core of our beings, and other times providing a deepened sense of purpose and meaning within the fabric of our lives. As we approach the Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse Axis that will last from November 19th, 2021 until October 28th, 2023, we embark upon a journey of listening more intently to our bodies and the earth we inhabit, as well as finding the places where we have shadow work and integration to do as individuals and as a collective. The wisdom of Taurus and Scorpio, and their intimate relationship with Lakshmi and Kali within the yogic pantheon of deities, will provide a powerful archetypal framework for exploration for this workshop. We’ll begin with some Evolutionary Astrology and Hindu myth, then move into an asana, pranayama, and meditation practice that weaves together these compelling elements to create an embodied awareness of the significance of this time.

Investment:: $40-$50 sliding scale

Location:: A lovely yurt in Salmo, BC

To Register:: Please email me at to sign up.

*Space is limited*

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